
CMS Features

Over 25,000 Website Features And Counting!

Our content management system platforms offer over 25,000 plug-in modules to transform your website into an engaging, dynamic and interactive community portal. Today’s technology savvy users demand cutting-edge communication tools to learn about your services, events and operations, and conduct their business transactions online with your organization. Our website management tools are built to optimize your website and meet user expectations.  With over 25,000 features to choose from, the possibilities are unlimited in creating powerful, safe, secure, and scalable websites for public or private use. Some of the most common features are listed below.

checkmarkWebsite Features and description

Agendas, meeting minutes Publish meeting documents, agendas and meeting minutes.
Anti-spam CAPTCHA feature to prevent spam bots.
Browser compatibility Supports Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
Calculators Financial calculation module.
Calendar of Events Publish events by parent organization, department or group.
Download documents Supports Word, .pdf, Excel, and most common file types.
Emergency alerts Post community emergency alerts to capture users’ attention.
E-commerce Online payments and transactions.
E-Newsletters Subscription; online publishing, tracking; multiple newsletters.
E-Notifications Electronic subscription; option to send notices immediately.
Event registration Online reservations with automatic replies.
FAQ Frequently asked questions for customer service.
Google analytics Generate web usage statistics and reporting.
Graphics support Create banners and logos.
“Share” links feature Share links through e-mail and social media sites.
“Share” video feature Share videos, post to social media sites, embed on own site.
Image slideshow User controlled slideshows with zoom capabilities.
Interactive maps Internal GIS server or interactive Google maps.
Job postings Human resources pages for job postings and online application.
Link to users’ calendars Add community events to users’ calendars.
News items Dynamic content; searchable by department, topic and date.
Online forms or surveys Ability to create and submit digital forms and download results.
Online payments Secure online transactions.
Printable pages Printer friendly functionality.
Responsive design Supports Smartphones, tablet devices, and notebooks.
RFP/RFQ/Bid postings Post solicitations with vendor or partner reports.
Rotating photos & banners Dynamic image display.
RSS feeds Register by organization, department or topic.
Social media Icons with links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.
Survey & polling Create online electronic surveys; display and download results.
Video hosting or streaming Provides easy ways to post and embed videos such as YouTube.
“What’s New” section Post current events, announcements, news articles.

checkmarkNavigation Functions

ADA compliant Section 508 compliance.
Variable text size Accommodate various fonts and sizes.
Easy-to-use shortcut URLs Frequently used or uncommon links to outside sites.
Department or group pages Dynamic content specific to the organization or subgroups.
Directories List of employees and contacts.
"Need Help" Ability to receive, track, and report action requests.
Links manager Post links to relevant pages.
Multi-lingual support Translation of page content to foreign languages.
Quick links Easy navigation from front page.
Site index  A to Z index.
Site Map Updating and dynamic display of all site pages.
Site search Easy-to-use search function with results by category.

checkmarkContent Editing

Easy-to-use backend HTML option and frame.
Image gallery Can pull from gallery for any page.
Spell check  Content editor to catch misspellings.
WYSIWYG Editor What You See Is What You Get with MS Word like controls.
Content scheduler Set rules for creating, editing and posting new content.

checkmarkContent Management 

Automatic Archiving Automatically saves documents, pages, or content.
Automatic expirations Post new or pull expired news and calendar items.
Content approval system Hierarchical editing and approval for content publishing.
Content versioning Provides audit trails of all published content.
Document storage Unlimited storage for public or internal usage.
Hit tracking Analytics and site audit reports.
User management User login, recovery, and control of users’ access to site.
User reporting Administrator can see who and what is posted to the site.

checkmarkIntranet Portals

Easy-To-Use-Intranet Backend internal staff or group documents, calendars, etc.
Help request feature Ability to receive, track, and report employee action requests.
Classifieds Host classifieds section for employees or community.
Subscribe Users receive notification when pages or content is updated.